Boring legal stuff
(But pay attention to this)
The stories you read on these pages are the result of a great deal of research by a lot of people. So much work, in fact, that we want to protect what we have done.
To that end, please note that this site and its contents are copyrighted under federal laws. Please enjoy the site and feel free to use it as a learning tool, but if you start randomly stealing the information or the photos, we will use legal action and we will prosecute once you are caught ... and we will look for you.
Thanks for your understanding in this matter. Again, sorry for this "legal stuff" page, but we have to make certain everyone understands. (But if you really need photos, etc., contact us. We do share and we do love to hear from visitors. Thanks.)
To that end, please note that this site and its contents are copyrighted under federal laws. Please enjoy the site and feel free to use it as a learning tool, but if you start randomly stealing the information or the photos, we will use legal action and we will prosecute once you are caught ... and we will look for you.
Thanks for your understanding in this matter. Again, sorry for this "legal stuff" page, but we have to make certain everyone understands. (But if you really need photos, etc., contact us. We do share and we do love to hear from visitors. Thanks.)